CDA encourages businesses to sign-up to the Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge - Central District Alliance

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CDA encourages businesses to sign-up to the Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge

The Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge (BCC) is a voluntary energy efficiency programme developed to support businesses in reducing their energy consumption and carbon emissions. Central District Alliance is proud to be a partner of the consortium headed by Camden Climate Change Alliance. The consortium is made up of members from Hatton Garden BID, Camden Town Unlimited, Euston Town BID, and Knowledge Quarter. The consortium has been working hard to promote the BCC and we are delighted to see a number of businesses already taking part.

Participating businesses receive free technical advice from experts to help them make their workplaces more energy efficient. This is a unique opportunity for organisations to start to future-proof their businesses against rising energy prices and help London become net zero by 2030. The BCC is a great opportunity for businesses across London to start to future-proof their buildings against rising energy prices and help London become net zero by 2030. The project will enable participating organisations to develop strategies that enable them to reduce their carbon footprint and generate cost savings through better energy management.

Findings from the pilot indicate that in the first 9 months of the programme BCC participants reduced their energy consumption on average by 16%, surpassing their target, and saving £8,300 in energy costs.

Participants pledge to reduce their energy consumption by 10% in the programme year and to help them do this they receive a package of bespoke technical support from an energy consulting firm. The package includes:

• Workplace audit and Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
• Recommendation report with energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption
• A roadmap to net zero
• Individual one-to-one support and group training sessions.

For more information or to sign-up your business click here or contact

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