CDA Team upskill with British BIDs diploma - Central District Alliance

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CDA Team upskill with British BIDs diploma

Congratulations to Marcos Gold and Nicky Bond for completing the British BIDs Diploma in BID Leadership. The course is specifically designed for BID professionals, offering in-depth training and equipping them with the skills and knowledge to lead and inspire within the BID. 

Alongside modules on strategy, media and corporate matters, the course included self-reflective modules, which allowed them to take a deep dive into their leadership styles, showing them how to leverage their strengths and ultimately enhance their working relationships with the wider team. 

Nicky Bond, Head of Marketing & Events;

‘The course was hugely insightful and inspiring – reminding us of the importance of continued learning. Whilst each BID is obviously unique and specific to the area in which it is located, there are many similarities between our week and the challenges or opportunities we face, so it was great to connect with our BID peers from across the country.’

Marcos Gold, External Affairs Manager;

‘I was privileged to participate in this in-depth training designed for BID professionals, focusing on essential leadership skills. It was a pleasure connecting with fellow BID colleagues, and I am eager to apply the skills gained from this program.’

Please reach out to Nicky and Marcos if you’d like to hear more about their experience with the Diploma – or click here to find out more.

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